Board Member Report: October 18, 2021
Please see below for upcoming public events for the week of October 18, 2021.
Public Workshop on State Implementation Plan: On October 19 via remote access, CARB staff will host a public workshop on the release of the 2022 State Strategy for the State Implementation Plan: Draft Measures. Consideration of measures to support attainment of the 70 parts per billion 8-hour ozone standard across California will be discussed. The public is encouraged to participate.
Transportation and Refrigeration Units Public Workshop: On October 21 via webinar, CARB staff will hold a public workshop on Transportation and Refrigeration Units (TRU). Topics that will be covered include regulation applicability, hiring and contracting TRUs, compliance requirements, and registration and labeling. TRUs are used on semi-trailers, truck vans, shipping containers, and rail cars and most are diesel-powered. To reduce risk of exposure to diesel particulate matter from TRUs, owners, operators, dispatchers, and distribution centers must comply with the TRU Airborne Toxic Control Measures.
Public Workshop on Proposed Designations for State Ambien Air Quality Standards: On October 22 via remote access, CARB will host a public workshop to discuss proposed area designations for State ambient air quality standards. Ambient air quality standards define the maximum amount of air pollutants that can be present in ambient air. State law requires CARB to establish and review area designations once a year. At this workshop, CARB staff will discuss proposed amendments to the area designations for the South Coast Air Basin, the South Central Coast Air Basin, and the North Coast Air Basin.