Board Member Report: April 22, 2024
Please see below for upcoming public events for the week of April 22, 2024.
Public Workshop on Potential Amendments to Cap-and-Trade Regulation: On April 23 via remote access, CARB will host a public workshop on potential updates to the California Cap-and-Trade Program and Mandatory Greenhouse Gas Reporting Program. Staff will request written feedback following the workshop. A link to submit written feedback will be posted to the Cap-and-Trade Meetings & Workshops webpage.
Commercial Harbor Craft Regulation Technical Working Group Workshop: On April 24 via remote access, CARB will host the first of a series of Technical Working Group (TWG) workshops to assess the commercial availability of lower-emitting combustion engines and zero-emission technology for all types of commercial harbor craft (CHC). On March 24, 2022, CARB approved CHC Regulation amendments, which would reduce emissions from harbor craft operated in California waters, and directed the establishment of this TWG workshop series. Additional workshops will be tentatively scheduled for May and June 2024.
Clean Truck Check-Vehicle Inspection System Feature Updates and Testing Overview: On April 25 via remote access, CARB will host a public training webinar to discuss updates to the Clean Truck Check-Vehicle Inspection System (CTC-VIS) reporting database. Staff will provide a general overview of the upcoming emissions compliance testing aspect of the CTC Program as well as an in-depth training on the reporting and fee payment process. A previously recorded training webinar and seven training module videos are currently posted on the Clean Truck Check Reporting Database page. CARB staff recommends previewing these recordings before registering for this webinar. Staff also encourages submitting questions when registering for the webinar, ideally one week prior to the scheduled date.