Archived Border Activities
California has collaborated for many years with partners in Mexico and the border region on air quality. These kinds of collaborations are critical, as harmful emissions do not stop at the border. In 2018, as part of CARB's State Implementation Planning work in the Salton Sea Air Basin, CARB focused efforts in the Imperial - Mexicali region. Some of those efforts are archived here.
Collaboration with the City of Tijuana on Border Air Quality
In an effort to monitor and improve air quality along the California-Mexico Border, CARB shipped low-cost particulate matter (PM) 2.5 air sensors to the City of Tijuana. Read more at the link below.
California and Mexico Air Quality Data
The following websites provide air quality data for Imperial County and Mexicali.
Imperial County
- Air Quality and Meteorological Information System (AQMIS): AQMIS provides a combination of preliminary (real-time) and official (historical) data.
- Imperial Valley Air Quality: Provides air quality alerts and forecasts for Imperial County and Mexicali.
- iADAM Air Quality Data Statistics
- IVAN Air Monitoring
Baja California, Mexico
Mexicali, Baja California