Air District Rules
There are 35 local Air Pollution Control Districts (APCD) and Air Quality Management Districts (AQMD) (Districts) that regulate stationary sources in California. These stationary sources are located in the jurisdiction of each air district. This web page provides information for you to look up district rules, connect with your air district, and see what rules have been submitted into California’s State Implementation Plan (SIP).
Air District Rules
CARB posts air district rules as a service to the public and the air districts. Many districts also post their rules on their own website.
CARB strives to keep a current list of district rules. However, we cannot ensure this. CARB updates the database as best as possible. The districts help us with this. If you are in doubt, review the actual district rule version. Note that the rule shown may not be in the applicable State Implementation Plan (SIP). If you need information regarding the applicable SIP, contact the district directly. You may also contact Doris Lo of the United States Environmental Protection Agency at (415) 972-3959.
Air Quality Planning and Science Division