Name Subject: Submitted to: File Upload (i.e., Attachment): Comment
Norman Highnam Questions responses - TRU and others. Public Comment on the Request for Information for California Senate Bill 1206 Assessment Report


Ari Katz EIA Report Public Comment on the Request for Information for California Senate Bill 1206 Assessment Report


scott Slavensky What it will take to get ice rinks to switch to low GWP refrigerants Public Comment on the Request for Information for California Senate Bill 1206 Assessment Report N/A


Cara Bautista-Rao Comments for SB1206 Request for Information Public Comment on the Request for Information for California Senate Bill 1206 Assessment Report


David Mann Oberon Fuels Comments Public Comment on the Request for Information for California Senate Bill 1206 Assessment Report


Tristam Coffin êffecterra CARB SB 1206 RFI Response (October 2023) Public Comment on the Request for Information for California Senate Bill 1206 Assessment Report


Thomas Cortina Fire Suppression Uses of HFCs Public Comment on the Request for Information for California Senate Bill 1206 Assessment Report


Lisa Massaro-Kustuch Reply to RFI CARB SB1206 Public Comment on the Request for Information for California Senate Bill 1206 Assessment Report


Andrew Brackbill XPSA Comments in Response to Request for Information (RFI): Senate Bill (SB) 1206 Assessment Report Public Comment on the Request for Information for California Senate Bill 1206 Assessment Report


Ron Shebik Hussmann Comments California SB 1206 Assessment Report RFI Public Comment on the Request for Information for California Senate Bill 1206 Assessment Report


Beth Porter EIA comments: RFI, SB 1206 Assessment Report Public Comment on the Request for Information for California Senate Bill 1206 Assessment Report


Rachel Patterson California State University Response to SB 1206 RFI Public Comment on the Request for Information for California Senate Bill 1206 Assessment Report


Joshua Shodeinde Re: Request for Information for Senate Bill 1206 Assessment Report Public Comment on the Request for Information for California Senate Bill 1206 Assessment Report


Samantha Slater AHRI Comments to California Air Resources Board in Response to Request for Information for Senate Bill 1206 Assessment Report Public Comment on the Request for Information for California Senate Bill 1206 Assessment Report


Nicholas Georges HCPA Comments on RFI regarding SB 1206 Public Comment on the Request for Information for California Senate Bill 1206 Assessment Report


Danielle Wright Senate Bill 1206 Assessment Report for Transitioning Hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) to Ultra-Low Global Warming Potential (GWP) and/or No-GWP Alternatives Public Comment on the Request for Information for California Senate Bill 1206 Assessment Report


Jennifer Butsch Senate Bill 1206 Assessment Report Public Comment on the Request for Information for California Senate Bill 1206 Assessment Report


Ruth Ivory-Moore California Air Resources Board’s Request for Information (RFI) Regarding Senate Bill 1206 Assessment Report for Transitioning Hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) to Ultra-Low Global Warming Potential (GWP) and/or No-GWP Alternatives Public Comment on the Request for Information for California Senate Bill 1206 Assessment Report


Jason Thomas Carrier Response SB1206 RFI Public Comment on the Request for Information for California Senate Bill 1206 Assessment Report


Allison Skidd Rheem Comments to CARB RFI SB1206 Public Comment on the Request for Information for California Senate Bill 1206 Assessment Report


Chris Forth JCI Comments: SB 1206 Assessment Report: Request for Information (RFI) Public Comment on the Request for Information for California Senate Bill 1206 Assessment Report


Schuyler Pulleyn Comment on the Request for Information for California Senate Bill 1206 Assessment Report Public Comment on the Request for Information for California Senate Bill 1206 Assessment Report


Aaron Daly SB 1206 RFI response Public Comment on the Request for Information for California Senate Bill 1206 Assessment Report N/A


Bart Croes Senate Bill (SB) 1206 Assessment Report for Transitioning Hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) to Ultra-Low Global Warming Potential (GWP) and/or No-GWP Alternatives: Request for Information (RFI) Public Comment on the Request for Information for California Senate Bill 1206 Assessment Report


Daniel Chandler All-Electric TRU Public Comment on the Request for Information for California Senate Bill 1206 Assessment Report


Mahlon Aldridge Additional Comments Public Comment on the Request for Information for California Senate Bill 1206 Assessment Report
