White Paper: Health Impacts by Race/Ethnicity in Air Pollution Studies in California
Principal Investigator/Author: Tarik Benmarhnia
Contractor:University of California, San Diego
Contract number: 22RD025
Project Status: Active
Relevant CARB programs: Health & Exposure
Topic areas: Environmental Justice, Health Effects of Air Pollution, Health & Air Pollution
Research Summary:
Over the last decade, there has been a growing body of research assessing the role of ambient air pollution in health disparities. In fact, research has demonstrated that air pollution exposures often disproportionately impact different race/ethnic groups in California and in the United States. The purpose of the white paper is to inform the agency about the current research related to health impacts by race/ethnicity in air pollution studies, with a focus on analysis methodologies. This information may be used by CARB in its efforts to better evaluate the benefits of future regulations and programs on the most impacted populations in the state.
Keywords: public health, environmental justice, reducing disparities, criteria pollutants, PM2.5