Wabash National Corporation Settlement
Wabash National Corporation Settles Case Involving Violations of California SNAP Regulation
In June 2020, the California Air Resources Board (CARB) settled a case with Wabash National Corporation (Wabash), of Lafayette, Indiana, with a potential penalty amount of $10,000 per day, subject to mitigation terms not being met. Wabash sells semi-trailer and tank trailers using molded structural composite (MSC) called “Prisma Composite Preforms” (MSC PCP) that contains HFC-134a foam blowing agent. (Cal. Code Regs., tit.17, § 95371 et seq.) In response to a voluntary inquiry from Wabash in February 2020, CARB determined that Wabash violated the California SNAP Regulation by installing, using, and entering into commerce in the State of California, a noncompliant HFC‑134a foam blowing agent in the end-use category of “Rigid Polyurethane: Commercial Refrigeration and Sandwich Panels.”
Under the terms of the Settlement Agreement, Wabash mitigated all HFC-134a emissions associated with the use of the trailers entering into California. Wabash certified that the total reduction in greenhouse gas emissions is a total of about 276,000 MTCO2e/yr in indirect benefits, and about 148,000 MTCO2e/yr in net benefits. Wabash shall submit quarterly reports to CARB identifying all semi-trailer and tank trailers using the “Prisma Composite Preforms” containing HFC-134a foam blowing agents that were sold, leased, rented, installed, used, or entered into commerce in the State of California for each quarter in 2020. Wabash is now in compliance with California’s SNAP Regulation.