Vycon Regen System
CARB has verified the Vycon REGEN System for rubber-tired gantry (RTG) cranes equipped with Pre-Tier 1 (pre-1996 model year) off-road diesel engines or Tier 1, Tier 2, or Tier 3 certified off-road diesel engines. The Vycon REGEN System is a flywheel based energy storage device that achieves at least 25 percent diesel particulate matter emissions reduction and meets the January 2009 NO2 limit, qualifying it for a Level 1 Plus verification. The device also reduces NOx emissions by at least 30 percent. The Executive Order below includes restrictions for this verification.
Note: Prior versions of Executive Orders are available upon request.
Executive Order | Parts List | Engine Family List | Label | Swapping & Re-Designation Policy |
Not Available | Not Available | Not Available | Not Available |