Volvo Construction Equipment, AB Settlement
Volvo Construction Equipment, AB Case Settles for $23,600.00
In September 2013, the Air Resources Board (ARB) reached a settlement with Volvo Construction Equipment, AB (VCE) that included a one-time payment of $23,600 to the California Air Pollution Control Fund for violation of the previous U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Consent Decree and ARB Settlement Agreement with Volvo Powertrain Corp. and Volvo Truck Corporation respectively.
VCE manufactured Non-Road Compression Ignition engines on or after January 1, 2005, for sale or importation into the United States, which failed to meet required pull-ahead emission standards established in the Consent Decree and Settlement Agreement. VCE was cooperative and forthcoming with information during the investigation. To settle the case, VCE agreed to the $23,600 stipulated penalty pursuant to the previous Consent Decree and Settlement Agreement.