Vitol Inc. Settlement
Settlement Date
May 2014
Enforcement Division Web Administrator
Vitol Inc. Case Settles for $70,000
In May 2014, Vitol paid $70,000 in penalties for violating two parameters of California reformulated gasoline regulations - T50 (temperature at which 50% has been distilled) and Reid Vapor Pressure (RVP). California’s motor vehicle fuel regulation provides flexibility to producers and importers of gasoline to specify the fuel being produced/imported but must meet those specifications. For two days in May 2011, Vitol distributed approximately 930,000 gallons of fuel with T50 values exceeding the maximum limit and the RVP was below the minimum limit. This violation was self-disclosed and Enforcement staff verified the violation. Vitol promptly and fully cooperated with ARB throughout the investigation.
Vitol Inc. Settlement Agreement
VITOL2014_SA.PDF · 331 KB