Valley Fine Foods Settlement
Valley Fine Foods Case Settles for $65,000
Air Resources Board (ARB) staff inspected a facility owned and operated by Valley Fine Foods on March 5, 2015, to determine compliance with ARB’s Regulation for the Management of High Global Warming Potential Refrigerants for Stationary Sources (RMP Regulation). The inspection revealed that Valley Fine Foods owns and operates large sized refrigeration systems with a full charge greater than 2000 pounds of a high global warming potential refrigerant and is subject to the requirements of the RMP Regulation. At the time of inspection, the facility was not registered as required. Additionally, Valley Fine Foods failed to install an automatic leak detection system, a required leak-detection system applicable to refrigerant systems with greater than 2,000 pounds of high-GWP refrigerants. Finally, Valley Fine Foods failed to maintain records in accordance with the RMP Regulation. Valley Fine Foods immediately registered, installed the required leak detection equipment, and submitted all required reports and fees. Valley Fine Foods agreed to settle on April 11, 2016, for a penalty of $65,000.00