Univan Ship Management, Ltd. Settlement
Settlement Date
November 2016
Enforcement Division Web Administrator
Univan Ship Management, Ltd. Case Settles for $30,000
Univan Ship Management, Ltd. paid $30,000.00 in penalties to the California Air Resources Board, for violating air quality regulations. This settlement was reached on November 3, 2016. An investigation by the ARB showed that the Univan Ship Management, Ltd. vessels Hyundai Hong Kong and Hyundai Tokyo, both failed to switch over to compliant fuel, the fuel analyzed for sulfur content came back higher in sulfur than the regulated limit. Univan Ship Management, Ltd. took prompt action after being notified of these violations and under ARB’s supervision began operating in a compliant fashion. To settle the case, Univan Ship Management, Ltd. agreed to the $30,000.00 penalty and to comply with ARB regulations.
Univan Ship Management, Ltd. Settlement Agreement