Tribal Consultation Policies
CARB provides opportunities to consult with tribes on a variety of topics. Included below are critical guidelines and working documents that CARB refers to throughout the consultation process, which can be formal or informal based on the specific needs of the tribe.
CARB Tribal Consultation Policy
CARB adopted its Tribal Consultation Policy in 2018 to guide CARB in its daily operations to work with tribes in a knowledgeable, sensitive, and respectful manner. The Tribal Consultation Policy details how CARB will continue to work to improve and strengthen its relationships with tribal governments and communities.
California Environmental Protection Agency (CalEPA) Tribal Consultation Policy
CalEPA first adopted its Tribal Consultation Policy in 2009 to guide CalEPA and all its Boards, Departments, and Offices in their daily operations, and subsequently revised and updated it to strengthen and enhance the objectives outlined in this agency-wide guidance document. The 2015 CalEPA Policy on Consultation with California Native American Tribes details how CalEPA and its BDOs will continue to work to improve and strengthen its relationships with tribal governments and communities.
CalEPA Tribal Consultation Protocol
The CalEPA Tribal Consultation Protocol provides a step-by-step process which CARB follows including best practices when engaging with tribes in a meaningful, inclusive, and mutually respectful way.