Technical Chemical Technical Settlement
Settlement Date
June 2014
Enforcement Division Web Administrator
Technical Chemical Technical Case Settles for $9,000
On June 3, 2014, a case was settled with Technical Chemical Company for selling/manufacturing “SpectrumPlus Carb/Choke & Throttle Body Cleaner” subject to the VOC limit for the Carburetor or Fuel-Injection Air-intake Cleaner category, title 17, California Code of Regulations, section 94509(a). The product contained concentrations of VOC’s exceeding the 10 percent by weight VOC limit. There were approximately 0.06 tons of excess emissions. This was a second violation in five years for Technical Chemical in this category. The company paid $9000.00 to settle the case.
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News Release
Technical Chemical Technical Settlement Agreement
TECH_CHEM2014_SA.PDF · 2.294 MB