Target Corporation Settlement, 2016
Target Corporation Case Settles for $58,300
On March 9, 2016, a case was settled with Target Corporation for selling a product named “Splash De-Icer Premium Windshield Washer Fluid -30 °F”, that is subject to the Automotive Windshield Washer Fluid category. The product contained concentrations of VOCs exceeding the 1 percent by weight VOC limit for the category in the Pre-Mixed non-Type “A” areas, as well as the 25 percent State standard in the Type “A” areas. The excess VOC emissions for the sales of this product were approximately 0.045 tons; however, due to the repeat nature of the violation, the penalty was assessed at $1,000 per day for 56 days the noncompliant products were sold on and being available for sale, plus the ARB’s investigative costs. The company paid $58,300 to settle the case.