Stone's Master Bike Builder Settlement
$120,000 in Fines Paid by Stone's Master Bike Builder
The Mobile Source Enforcement Section in conjunction with the Air Resources Board Office of Legal Affairs, the California Attorney General's Office and the Superior Court of the State of California in and for the County of Orange has received a Judgment from the County of Orange Superior Court in the amount of $120,000.00 against Stones Master Bike Builder, Tory Stone and All World Motorcycles, Inc., all one in the same. Tory Stone had a business in Anaheim, California that was building custom motorcycles and selling them to California residents without getting certification from the ARB. This is a violation Health and Safety Code section 43150, et seq. Tory Stone left California and moved his business to Las Vegas, Nevada and continued to build and sell his illegal non-California-certified motorcycles to California residents even after he was issued a cease and desist letter for California sales. The case was referred to the California Attorney Generals Office for prosecution. The case was heard in Orange County Superior Court and Mr. Stone was ordered to pay civil penalties in the amount of $100,000 to the California Air Pollution Control Fund. He was also ordered to pay restitution to the Office of the California Attorney General in the amount of $20,000. Mr. Stone was also immediately and permanently enjoined and restrained from violating Health and Safety Code section 43150, et seq.