Snapper and Costco Settlement
Settlement Date
March 2002
Enforcement Division Web Administrator
Settlement Reached with Costco and Snapper for $27,300
In March 2002, the Air Resources Board settled two independent cases involving lawn mowers with non-California certified Briggs & Stratton engines. In both cases, the emission label on the engine stated in redletters: "Not for sale in California."
Costco delivered 240 non-compliant Toro lawn mowers for sale in California, of which 90 were sold and 150 were recalled. Costco settled for $25,000.
Snapper sold 14 non-compliant mowers and recalled 11. Snapper settled for $2,300.
This enforcement action against the introduction of non-certified engines assures a level playing field for all competitors in the industry and provides the full intended benefit of California's emission standards.