Shell Martinez Refinery Settlement
Shell Martinez Refinery Case Settles for $195,000
In April 2016, Shell paid $195,000 in penalties for supplying gasoline in violation of California reformulated gasoline regulations. On January 27, 2013 Shell supplied approximately 3,532,662 gallons of uncertified fuel from its Martinez facility. The flow of uncertified component material into the downstream tank supplying certified fuel was due to a normally closed isolation valve that remained open after a repair was initiated. The violation was discovered and self-disclosed by Shell to CARB Enforcement staff. Enforcement staff verified the violation through a series of discussions with Shell staff. Shell has installed a physical barrier in the pipeline and modified pipeline repair procedures to minimize the potential for similar occurrences. This case was settled for $195,000 with twenty-five percent of this amount ($48,750) going to the San Joaquin Air Pollution Control District for School Bus Retrofit SEP.