Sheila Shine LLC. Case Settlement
Sheila Shine LLC. Case Settles for $75,000
During routine inspections conducted in July and October 2013, Air Resources Board’s (CARB) Enforcement Division staff obtained samples of aerosol and non-aerosol Sheila Shine metal polish products. CARB testing revealed the products exceeded the volatile organic compound (VOC) and perchloroethylene limits specified in 17 CCR section 94509 of the regulation for the Metal Polish or Cleanser category. Sales data provided by Sheila Shine indicated there were 5.6 tons of excess VOC emissions and 12.6 tons of prohibited perchloroethylene emissions that resulted from the sales of these products in California.
The penalty in this case was reduced due to financial hardship demonstrated by Sheila Shine. The final penalty amount was $75,000. Sheila Shine has reformulated its products to remove perchloroethylene and reduce the VOC content, and ARB has confirmed they are now in compliance with the regulation.