Shahriyor Aslemand dba Royal Hangers Settlement
Shahriyor Aslemand dba Royal Hangers Case Settles for $10,000
In July 2014, Royal Hangers, Los Angeles, (Royal Hangers) agreed to pay $10,000.00 in penalties for violating air quality regulations.
The Air Resources Board (ARB) identified Perchloroethylene (Perc) as a toxic air contaminant in 1991 and later adopted the Airborne Toxic Control Measure for Emissions of Perchloroethylene Associated with Dry Cleaning Operations and Requirements for Manufacturers and Distributors of Perchloroethylene (Dry Cleaning ATCM). The Dry Cleaning ATCM defines a “Perc distributor” as “any person who, directly or indirectly, sells Perc or recycled Perc to California dry cleaners.” It requires that, by January 31 of each year, Perc distributors shall report to ARB the annual gallons of Perc and recycled Perc sold to California dry cleaners from January 1 through December 31 of the previous year and requires Perc distributors to pay a per-gallon fee to ARB in accordance with a fee schedule, no later than 30 days after the issuance of an invoice from ARB.
An audit by ARB showed that Royal Hangers failed to maintain required records, failed to submit complete and accurate report of its annual 2013 sales of Perc, and failed to remit fees as required by the Dry Cleaning ATCM. To settle the case, Royal Hangers agreed to the $10,000.00 penalty. In addition, Royal Hangers amended its 2013 annual report of Perc sales to California dry cleaners and submitted the required fees.