Schering-Plough Settlement
Settlement Date
December 1999
Enforcement Division Web Administrator
$100,000 in Fines Paid by Schering-Plough
A volatile organic compound (VOC) violation, was discovered during a variance application review in 1999. The product in question was 25 percent Deet Muskol Aerosol Insect Repellant, which is manufactured by Schering Plough. ARB staff conducted inspections in the Sacramento area, purchasing samples of this product in grocery stores, bait and tackle shops, and from an environmental magazine which features field equipment for sale. The inspection process and sales records revealed that approximately 6,612 containers of the 25 percent Deet Muskol Aerosol Insect Repellant were manufactured for sale. The case was referred the ARB's Office of Legal Affairs and the case was settled on December 10, 1999 for $100,000.