San Francisco Deluxe Sightseeing, LLC Settlement
San Francisco Deluxe Sightseeing, LLC Settles For $3,800 (Suspended)
In January 2020, the California Air Resources Board (CARB) settled a case for $3,800 in suspended penalties with San Francisco Deluxe Sightseeing, LLC (SF Deluxe). An investigation by CARB showed that SF Deluxe failed to bring one of their on-road diesel fueled vehicles into compliance with the applicable in-use performance standards (model year schedule) under the Truck and Bus (TB) Regulation, pursuant to California Code of Regulations, title 13, section 2025 (13CCR § 2025). In addition, CARB documented that SF Deluxe failed to properly label all heavy-duty diesel vehicle engines showing they met U.S. EPA standards in the year of manufacture, under the Heavy Duty Vehicle Inspection Program, 13CCR § 2183. To settle the case, SF Deluxe agreed to mitigate all emissions from these violations, and provide proof that they brought their fleet into compliance with applicable diesel regulations by July 1, 2020. The emissions reductions in total will be greater than the noncompliance would generate. The settlement stipulates that if SF Deluxe does not comply with the terms set forth in the agreement, they will pay $3,800 in penalties for violating air quality regulations.