Rulemaking Archive 2016
This page archived on May 14, 2020, last reviewed May 2, 2017
The following alphabetical list is all ARB rulemaking projects considered at 2016 Board hearings, the following links are for the documents for each item.
Aftermarket Diesel Particulate Filters (Hearing Date: April 22, 2016)
Cap-and-Trade GHG Emissions (Hearing Date: September 22, 2016 and June 29, 2017)
Crude Oil and Natural Gas Facilities (Hearing Date: July 21, 2016 and March 23, 2017)
Innovative Technology (Hearing Date: October 20, 2016)
Large Spark-Ignition (Hearing Date: July 21, 2016)
Portable Fuel Container (Hearing Date: February 18, 2016)
Small Containers of Automotive Refrigerant (Hearing Date: April 22, 2016)
Small Off-Road Engines (Hearing Date: November 17, 2016)
The following is a list of all ARB Section 100 rulemaking filings for 2016.
Definition of Minor Violations (Endorsed and Approved: January 25, 2016)
Conflict of Interest Code (Endorsed and Approved: February 3, 2016)
Table of Area Designations for Ozone (Endorsed and Approved: March 8, 2016)