EFMP Participation Data Through Second Quarter 2021
Summary of EFMP and EFMP Plus-up and Retire and Replace Programs Through Second Quarter 2021
Participant level data through June 30, 2021 for the EFMP and EFMP Plus-up Retire and Replace programs in the South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD), San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District (SJVAPCD), Bay Area Air Quality Management District (BAAQMD), and Sacramento Metropolitan Air Quality Management District (SMAQMP) , Data presented in the attached spreadsheet. .
Personally identifiable information is not included in the attached spreadsheet.
District- Air district implementing EFMP and EFMP Plus-up Retire and Replace.
Census Tract- Ten digit census tract of participant residence.
Zip Code- Zip code of participant residence.
Retired Vehicle Model Year- Model year of retired vehicle.
Retired Vehicle Make- Make of retired vehicle.
Replacement Vehicle Model Year- Model year of replacement vehicle.
Replacement Vehicle Make- Model year of replacement vehicle.
Replacement Vehicle Technology- Technology of replacement vehicle.
Total Replacement Incentive- The total amount of incentive funding used to purchase a replacement vehicle. The funding for each participant's total incentive may come from multiple funding sources. This field is the sum of all these disparate funding sources. The Advanced Fleet Modernization Sub-Account (EFMS), GGRF and local funding.
EFMS Funding- Amount of total replacement incentive from the EFMP, which comes from the EFMS. Moneys for this fund come from a $1 surcharge on vehicle registration.
GGRF Funding-Amount of total replacement incentive from the EFMP Plus-up Pilot Project, which comes from Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund (GGRF). Moneys for this fund come from Cap-and-Trade auction proceeds.
Local Funding- Amount of total replacement incentive paid with local air district funds.
VW Funding- Amount of total replacement incentive paid using Volkswagon settlement funds.