Authorized Emergency Vehicles & Out of State Vehicles Operating Under Emergency Declaration/EO
Authorized Emergency Vehicles:
Are authorized emergency vehicles exempt from Clean Truck Check?
Yes, authorized emergency vehicles that meet the qualification under California Vehicle Code 165 or California Health and Safety Code section 1797.84 are exempt from Clean Truck Check.
For exact regulation text please refer to Final Regulation Order
Are vehicles owned by public agencies (i.e. local, state, or federal government) automatically exempt from Clean Truck Check because they are considered emergency vehicles?
Unless vehicle(s) meet the definition of authorized emergency use vehicle as defined by California Vehicle Code 165 or California Health and Safety Code section 1797.84 they are not exempt and must comply with Clean Truck Check.
Out Of State Vehicles Operating Under an Emergency Declaration/Executive Order (EO):
Are vehicles operating under an Emergency Declaration/Executive Order (EO) required to comply with Clean Truck Check?
Out of state vehicles operating under an Emergency Declaration or Executive Order are exempt from the regulation for 30 calendar days from the first day of operation under the emergency orders. After 30 calendar days the owner of the vehicle is required to comply with Clean Truck Check. Vehicles operating under an Emergency Declaration or Executive Order must be reported in the Clean Truck Check Vehicle Inspections System.
Are vehicles operating under an Executive Order or Emergency Declaration required to keep any records?
Vehicles operating under an Emergency Declaration or Executive Order are required to keep copies of dispatch records and other supporting documentation verifying the vehicle is being used to support emergency operations for a specified time. These records must be retained for a minimum of five years and provided to CARB staff, inspectors, or peace officers within 72 hours of official written or oral request.
For exact regulation text please refer to Final Regulation Order