Workshops & Meetings - Diesel Risk Reduction Plan
Presentation Date | Title / Presenter |
April 27, 2005 May 4, 2005 | Public Workshop to Discuss Proposed Revisions to the Stationary Compression Ignition Engine ATCM, CARB |
October 14, 2004 | Roseville Rail Yard Study Presentation for the Placer County Air Pollution Control Board, CARB |
October 8, 2004 | Public and Utilities Fleet Vehicle Workshop |
October 7, 2004 | Transit Bus Fleet Rule Workshop |
October 5, 2004 | International Diesel Retrofit Advisory Committee (IDRAC)- committee with the goal of successfully implementing the diesel retrofit programCARB Findings on Emissions, Exposure and Health CARB Near-field NO2 Impacts Modeling CARB NO2 Exposure Scenarios CARB Overview Development of Environmental Zones for HDV EMPA BUWAL Studies on NO2 Environment Canada Morin ETH MECA Regulatory Options |
October 3, 2004 | Public Workshop to Discuss the Proposed ATCM to Reduce Diesel Emissions from TRUs |
December 11, 2003 | Board Hearing Presentation for Proposed ATCM for Stationary Compression-Ignition Engines - Continued from December 11, 2003, CARB |
December 11, 2003 | Board Hearing Presentation for Proposed ATCM for Stationary Compression-Ignition Engines - Continued from November 20, 2003, CARB |
December 11, 2003 | Board Hearing Presentation for Proposed ATCM for TRUs, TRU Gen Sets, and Facilities Where TRUs Operate, CARB |
December 11, 2003 | Electric TRU’s Should Receive Incentives to Encourage Expanded Use, CalETC |
December 11, 2003 | Comments on CARB Proposed Regulations for In-Use TRUs, CalETC |
December 11, 2003 | Cryogenic Technology for Transport Refrigeration, Thermo King Corporation |
December 11, 2003 | Comments Before the California Air Resources Board on Proposed Airborne Toxic Control Measures for Transport Refrigeration Units, CTA |
November 20, 2003 | Board Hearing Presentation for Proposed ATCM for Stationary CI Engines, CARB |
October 8, 2003 | Draft Regulation to Reduce Particulate Matter Emissions from Transport Refrigeration Units, CARB |
August 26, 2003 | In-Use and New Stationary Diesel-Fueled Engines Emission Inventory, CARB |
August 26, 2003 | Proposed Airborne Toxic Control Measure to Reduce Diesel Particulate Matter Emissions from Stationary Diesel-Fueled Compression Ignition Engines, CARB |
August 26, 2003 | PM Test Methods Comparison for Stationary Diesel Engines, CARB |
August 26, 2003 | Presentation of the Methods and Key Assumptions for Estimating the Costs for In-Use Stationary Engines, CARB |
August 26, 2003 | Update on Technology Demonstration Project and Test Method Workgroup, CARB |
August 26, 2003 | Public Workshop to Discuss the Proposed ATCM for Stationary Compression Ignition Engines,CARB |
August 26, 2003 | Diesel Engines in the AB 2588 “Hot Spots” Program, CARB |
July 30, 2003 | Portable Equipment Work Group Meeting, CARB |
July 22, 2003 | TRU Workgroup Conference Call Meeting, CARB |
July 17, 2003 | Regulatory Update on ATCM to Reduce Particulate Matter Emissions from Transport Refrigeration Units, CARB |
June 5, 2003 | Proposed Airborne Toxic Control Measures to Reduce Diesel Particulate Matter Emissions from In-Use and New Stationary Diesel-Fueled Engines, CARB |
June 5, 2003 | Diesel Engines in the AB 2588 “Hot Spots” Program, CARB |
June 5, 2003 | Portable Equipment Workgroup Meeting, CARB |
June 5, 2003 | Public Workshop to Discuss Proposed ATCMs for Stationary Diesel Fueled Engines, CARB |
June 5, 2003 | Regulatory Approaches to Reduce Particulate Matter Emissions from Transport Refrigeration Units, CARB |
May 14, 2003 | TRU Workgroup Meeting, CARB |
March 6, 2003 | Regulatory Approaches to Reduce Particulate Matter Emissions from Transport Refrigeration Units, CARB |
March 6, 2003 | Hot Spots Presentation, CARB |
March 6, 2003 | Methods and Key Assumptions for Estimating the Costs for In-Use Stationary Engines, CARB |
March 6, 2003 | TRU Workgroup Meeting, CARB |
March 6, 2003 | Portable Equipment Workgroup Meeting, CARB |
March 6, 2003 | Proposed Airborne Toxic Control Measures to Reduce Diesel Particulate Matter Emissions from In-Use and New Stationary Diesel-Fueled Engines, CARB |
December 9-10, 2002 | Public Workshop to Discuss the Proposed Diesel Partimulate Matter Control Measure for On-Road Heavy-Duty Diesel-Fueled Residential and Commercial Solid Waste Collection Vehicles, CARB |
November 19, 2002 | Summary of Stationary Emergency / Stand-by Diesel-Fueled Engine Survey Results, CARB |
November 19, 2002 | Update on Technology Demonstration Project and Test Method Workgroup, CARB |
November 19, 2002 | Proposed Airborne Toxic Control Measures to Reduce Diesel Particulate Matter Emissions from In-Use and New Stationary Diesel-Fueled Engines, CARB |
November 19, 2002 | Presentation of the Methods and Key Assumptions for Estimating the Costs for In-Use Stationary Engines, CARB |
November 19, 2002 | Regulatory Approaches to Reduce Particulate Matter Emissions from Transport Refrigeration Units, CARB |
November 19, 2002 | TRU Workgroup Meeting, CARB |
September 4, 2002 | Proposed Airborne Toxic Control Measures to Reduce Diesel Particulate Matter Emissions from In-Use and New Stationary Diesel-Fueled Engines, CARB |
September 4, 2002 | Regulatory Approaches to Reduce Particulate Matter Emissions from Transport Refrigeration Units, CARB |
April 4, 2002 | Proposed Airborne Toxic Control Measure to Reduce Diesel Particulate Matter Emissions from In-Use Stationary Diesel-Fueled Engines That are Greater than or Equal to 50 HP, CARB |
April 4, 2002 | Proposed Airborne Toxic Control Measure to Reduce Diesel Particulate Matter Emissions from New Stationary Diesel-Fueled Engines, CARB |
April 4, 2002 | Regulatory Approaches to Reduce Particulate Matter Emissions from Transport Refrigeration Units, CARB |
March 20, 2002 | TRU Workgroup Conference Call Meeting, CARB |
February 27, 2002 | TRU Workroup Meeting, CARB |
February 6, 2002 | Marketing and Incentives Workgroup, Tim Taylor, Sacramento Metropolitan AQMD |
February 6, 2002 | Implications of Cerium and Platinum in Diesel Fuel without a Particulate Matter Trap, CARB |
February 6, 2002 | Air Quality Effects of Trap-Related Emissions, CARB |
February 6, 2002 | An Investigation of the Effect of Catalyst-Based Diesel Particulate Filters on Nitro-PAH Emissions, Dale McKinnon (MECA) |
February 6, 2002 | Minimizing NO2 Emissions from Catalyst-Based Diesel Particulate Filters, Dale McKinnon (MECA) |
February 6, 2002 | To use or not to use a Fuel-Born Catalyst?, Jacques LeMaire |
February 6, 2002 | The Use of Ferrocene-Based Fuel Borne Catalysts, Werner Kalischewski (Octel) |
February 6, 2002 | Diesel Fleet Maintenance Capabilities, Floyd A. Beadle |
February 6, 2002 | Performance of Fuel Borne Catalyst Based Systems -Clean Diesel Technologies, Inc., Jim Valentine |
February 6, 2002 | Use of Metal Additives; What Are the Issues? -Clean Diesel Technologies, Inc. , Jim Valentine |
February 6, 2002 | Fleet Maintenance in Sweden, Lennart Erlandsson |
February 6, 2002 | NO2 Emissions / Air Quality -Sweden, Lennart Erlandsson |
February 6, 2002 | New Modified Regulations for Environmental Zones -Sweden, Lennart Erlandsson |
February 6, 2002 | IDRAC Meeting, CARB |
February 6, 2002 | Why does Switzerland promote Fuel Additives but absolutely prohibit the use of such Fuel Additives without appropriate Particulate Traps?, Andreas Mayer (TTM) |
January 16, 2002 | PM Control Technology Demonstration Programs For Stationary Diesel Engines, CARB |
January 16, 2002 | Permitted Stationary Diesel Engine Database, CARB |
January 16, 2002 | Stationary Diesel-Fueled Engines and Transport Refrigeration Units and Preliminary Concepts for Reducing Emissions from In-Use and New Stationary Diesel-Fueled Engines, CARB |
January 16, 2002 | RACT / BARCT for Diesel-Fueled Stationary Engines, CARB |
January 16, 2002 | Transport Refrigeration Units, CARB |
January 16, 2002 | Workgroup Formation Meeting - Regulatory Approaches to Reduce Particulate Matter Emissions from Transport Refrigeration Units, CARB |
December 6, 2001 | Maritime Air Quality Technical Working Group Kickoff Meeting, CARB |
October 2, 2001 | Study of Emissions from "Late-Model" Diesel and CNG Heavy-Duty Transit Buses, CARB |
October 2, 2001 | Retrofit Diesel Particulate Filters - Ease of Application, Dale McKinnon (MECA) |
October 2, 2001 | Objectives of Diesel Retrofit Verification, CARB |
October 2, 2001 | Marketing and Incentives Workgroup Update, Tim Taylor (Sacramento APCD) |
October 2, 2001 | Effects of Trap-related Emissions on Air Quality, CARB |
October 2, 2001 | Diesel Oxidation Catalysts, Kevin Hallstrom (Engelhard) |
October 2, 2001 | IDRAC Meeting, CARB |
October 2, 2001 | Active Particulate Trap Regeneration, Andreas Mayer (TTM) |
September 4-5, 2001 | Proposed Solid Waste Collection Vehicle Rule, CARB |
June 26, 2001 | Proposed Refuse Removal Vehicle Rule,CARB |
June 5, 2001 | Switzerland Experience, Andreas Mayer |
June 5, 2001 | Retrofit Diesel Particulate Filter Application Considerations and Experience, Bruce Bertelson (MECA) |
June 5, 2001 | South Coast AQMD School Bus Demo, Chung Liu (SCAQMD) |
June 5, 2001 | BP / ARCO Demo, Chuck LeTavec (BP) |
June 5, 2001 | Japan Experience, Matsuo Odaka |
May 30, 2001 | Diesel PM Agricultural Working Group - Principles and Goals, CARB |
May 30, 2001 | Summary of the Diesel Risk Reduction Plan, CARB |
May 30, 2001 | Implementing The Diesel Risk Reduction Plan: Status of Activities, CARB |
May 30, 2001 | Agricultural Demonstration Programs, CARB |
May 30, 2001 | Challenges and Feasibility for the Use of Diesel Particulate Traps in Mobile Agriculture Applications, UC Davis |
May 30, 2001 | Stationary Diesel-Fueled Engine Control Measures, CARB |
May 30, 2001 | Stationary Diesel Irrigation Pump Emissions Inventory, CARB |
March 2001 | Reducing Diesel PM from In-Use Vehicles and Equipment, CARB |
February/March 2001 | Agricultural Outreach Meetings: Diesel Risk Reduction Plan, CARB |
February/March 2001 | Agricultural Outreach Meetings: Implementation of the Diesel Risk Reduction Plan: What Does It Mean for Agricultural Operations?, CARB |
February 14, 2001 | Public Consultation Meeting to Discuss the Development of Regulations Addressing New and Existing Stationary and Portable Diesel-Fueled Engines, CARB |
February 14, 2001 | Portable Equipment Industry Analysis Plan, Mark Chang (Booz-Allen & Hamilton, Inc.) |
February 14, 2001 | Development of an Airborne Toxic Control Measure to Reduce Particulate Matter Emissions from Diesel Transport Refrigeration Units, CARB |
February 14, 2001 | Implementation of the Diesel Risk Reduction Plan: What Does It Mean for Agricultural Operations?, CARB |
February 14, 2001 | Catalyst-Based Diesel Particulate Filter Demonstration Projects, CARB |
February 6-7, 2001 | Diesel Engine Control Retrofit Users Conference Sponsored by Corning Incorporated, CARB |
February 5-6, 2001 | Mobile Source Retrofit Program, CARB |
February 5-6, 2001 | Development of Regulations Addressing New and Existing Stationary and Portable Diesel-Fueled Engines, CARB |
February 5-6, 2001 | IDRAC Meeting, CARB |
December 4-6, 2000 | SAE International Truck & Bus Expo and Conference; Portland, Oregon |
November 30, 2000 | IDRAC Meeting, CARB |
November 30, 2000 | Meeting with Sacramento Metropolitan Air Quality Management District |
November 14, 2000 | Air Quality and Agricultural Advisory Committee Meeting |
November 9, 2000 | Meeting of Governor's Agricultural and Air & Water Subcommittees |
November 3, 2000 | Reducing Diesel Particulate Emissions by 99% - The Swiss Approach, A.Mayer (TTM) and M.Wyser (BUWAL) |
November 3, 2000 | Diesel Retrofit International Advisory Committee - The Environmental Perspective, Todd Campbell (Coalition for Clean Air) |
November 3, 2000 | Diesel Retrofit German Perspective, Dr. Axel Friedrich (Umweltbundesamt, Berlin) |
November 3, 2000 | Presentation on Fuels, Requirements, and Experience, Lennart Erlandsson (MTC AB) |
November 3, 2000 | Overview of Diesel PM Emission Control Retrofit Technologies, Tim Johnson (Corning Incorporated) |
November 3, 2000 | Un-Regulated Emissions from CRT-Equipped Transit Buses, Richard Gibbs (New York Department of Environmental Conservation) |
November 2, 2000 | NESCAUM Heavy-Duty Engine Workgroup Meeting |
October 31, 2000 | California Farm Bureau Association Meeting |
October 12-15, 2000 | Yosemite Environmental Law Conference |
October 12, 2000 | Bear Valley Consolidated Water District |
October 4, 2000 | CAPCOA Engineering Managers Meeting |
October 1-3, 2000 | CAPCOA Air Quality Planning Symposium |
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