By February 1 of each year, EPEs must register their anticipated specified sources of power that they intend to claim in their June 1 Emissions Data Reports pursuant to §95111(g)(1) of the Regulation for the Mandatory Reporting of Greenhouse Gas Emissions (MRR). The June 1 Emissions Data Reports cover emissions for the previous calendar year. All specified sources associated with imported power, exported power, or power used to claim an RPS adjustment, including any zero emission resources, must be registered by February 1, as well as new and existing anticipated specified sources for asset-controlling suppliers (ACS).
CARB will use this information to calculate an emission factor for each specified source. The emission factors will be published on the CARB website and made available to reporting entities in the respective reporting workbooks.
The link below provides the Specified Source Registration Workbook (SSR). Completed SSRs must be emailed to with the subject line: “Specified Source Registration – [company name and/or acronym]” by the February 1 deadline. The 2025 deadline is February 3 due to the weekend.