The 2022 Scoping Plan Update will assess progress towards achieving the Senate Bill 32 (SB 32) 2030 target and lay out a path to achieve carbon neutrality no later than 2045. Building decarbonization is important to reduce emissions to achieve California’s path to carbon neutrality and to meet air quality standards. Since the electricity grid is increasingly powered by renewable and zero-carbon sources, accelerated building electrification in the short term can play a pivotal role in achieving climate and air quality targets while providing important public health benefits. This workshop provides an opportunity to hear updates on building decarbonization efforts underway and a forum for State agencies, experts, and the public to discuss benefits, challenges, opportunities, market readiness, environmental justice considerations, and policy opportunities to advance equitable building electrification.
This workshop will inform CARB’s efforts to assess building decarbonization as part of the 2022 Scoping Plan Update, as a potential measure for the 2022 State Strategy for the State Implementation Plan (State SIP Strategy) for meeting federal air quality standards, as a proposal to the California Green Building Standards Code (CALGreen), and other agency efforts. Stakeholder input and feedback are encouraged.