The California Air Resources Board (CARB) is dedicated to achieving emission reductions from diesel sources. Below are website links to categories of diesel-related sources. Please consider joining one or more of CARB's diesel related e-lists to stay up to date on diesel related activities.
In 1998, California identified diesel exhaust particulate matter (PM) as a toxic air contaminant based on its potential to cause cancer, premature death, and other health problems. Diesel engines also contribute to California's fine particulate matter (PM 2.5) air quality problems. Those most vulnerable are children whose lungs are still developing and the elderly who may have other serious health problems.
Mobile sources include on-road vehicles (trucks, buses, etc.), off-road vehicles and equipment (locomotives, tractors, cargo handling equipment, construction equipment, etc.), marine vessels (recreational watercraft, commercial harbor craft, and ocean-going vessels), and transport refrigeration units (TRUs).
Stationary engines are used in emergency-standby generators, prime generators, and agricultural irrigation pumps. This area also contains information on portable equipment, such as portable generators and pumps.
In addition to diesel fuels, find out more about alternatives to diesel fuels.
See additional webpages below for CARB's on-road and off-road certification and verification programs, diesel risk reduction plans, and CARB's Carl Moyer grant program to reduce emissions from heavy-duty on-road and off-road equipment.