The Consolidated Table of OEHHA / CARB Approved Risk Assessment Health Values is a quick look-up table of all cancer potency values and noncancer acute, 8-hour, and chronic Reference Exposure Levels (RELs) that are available for use in the AB 2588 Air Toxics "Hot Spots" Program. The most current health values should be used for the development of a facility health risk assessment. For more information on the OEHHA Guidelines, see the OEHHA website. Users of this table are advised to monitor the OEHHA website for any updates to the health values. All tables are in Adobe Acrobat format.
Target Organs Tables: List the Acute, 8-Hour, and Chronic Noncancer Reference Exposure Levels that have been adopted by OEHHA and the chemicals target organs. (Posted: October 6, 2023)