2020 Annual Report to the Governor and Legislature on the California Air Resources Board’s Expenditure of Fees of Nonvehicular Sources, Consumer Products, and Architectural Coatings for Fiscal Year 2019-2020
The 2020 Annual Report to the Governor and Legislature on the California Air Resources Board’s Expenditure of Fees on Nonvehicular Sources, Consumer Products, and Architectural Coatings for Fiscal Year 2019-2020 provides information on the expenditure of $23 million in fees collected from nonvehicular (i.e., stationary) sources of air pollution and manufacturers of consumer products and architectural coatings. Section 39612 of the Health and Safety Code, as amended in 2003, authorizes the California Air Resources Board (CARB) to collect fees from stationary sources, and requires an annual report to the Legislature on the expenditure of the fees. Section 39613 of the Health and Safety Code requires CARB to collect fees from manufacturers of consumer products and architectural coatings.