Submitted Comment Name Laura Haider Affiliation Fresnans Against Fracking Subject Application No B062303 LCFS Message Food is more valuable than fuel. We do not need all those factories producing large plastic products, decorations, and plastic packaging. We don't need any new combustion passenger cars. Housing size cannot exceed garden space. The reasons: Other countries are having the same economic problems as we are having in the U.S. Most people earn slightly over the poverty line. They need to spend 2/3 of their income on health food (half of which needs to be Organic or almost Organic vegetables without packaging containing pollutants)and filtered or unpolluted water in gallon or larger size bottles in order to avoid expensive or disabling medical problems. Foods are having less vitamins and minerals. Pollution subtracts minerals. Often, there is not enough money remaining for cars and decorations. Most people do not have enough space in their home for anything except for several small essential tools. Greenhouse gasses are released in the fertilization of crops and production of biodiesel and in lumbering large trees for new farmland. Do not give incentives for more fuel. File Upload (i.e., Attachments): N/A
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