The Plastics Group, Inc. Case Settlement
The Plastics Group, Inc. Case Settles for $100,000
In August of 2018, The Plastics Group, Inc. (TPG) of Willowbrook, Illinois settled its case with the California Air Resources Board (CARB). The case involved three different violations that were discovered through CARB's Monitoring and Laboratory Division testing and CARB’s field inspections. The model 228T portable fuel containers (PFC) were tested and had failed to meet the diurnal emission standard; the model TPG05 fuel tanks were not certified to current permeation standards; and several TPG portable fuel containers manufactured under the Briggs & Stratton brand were not properly labeled. This conduct was in violation of California Code of Regulations 2754, 2755 and 2467.5(c), respectively. TPG has agreed to pay $0.50 per unit penalty resulting in a total penalty amount of $100,000. TPG is now in compliance with the California regulation.