Phillips 66, Company Case Settlement
Phillips 66, Company Case Settles for $190,000
Phillips 66, Company was found in violation of Title 13, California Code of Regulations (CCR), Sections 2250-2273.5. CARB staff discovered four violations during routine inspections. In November 2011, routine compliance samples collected by Enforcement Division (ED) from Phillips 66, Los Angeles Refinery revealed an exceedance of the Reid vapor pressure (RVP). Similarly, in 2012 and 2014 samples collected during routine inspections revealed an exceedance of the olefin and the aromatic hydrocarbon content limit reported in their respective Predictive Model (PM) specifications. The fourth violation occurred in 2015 when Phillips 66 submitted a PM notification that failed to meet the criteria for approval, as a result of using an outdated version of the applicable PM (last amended August 24, 2012).
Enforcement Division confirmed that Phillips 66 violated the California Reformulated Gasoline Regulation (CaRFG) as codified in California Code of Regulations, title 13, section 2250-2273.5, et seq. (13 CCR § 2250-2273.5). More specifically, Phillips 66 violated section 2261, section 2265, section 2266.5 and section 2268 of the CaRFG.
Phillips 66 agreed to pay a total of $112,500 for five days of violation of the olefin limit or a per unit penalty of $22,500. Phillips 66 agreed to pay $40,000 for two days of violation of the aromatic limit or a per unit penalty of $20,000. Phillips 66 agreed to pay $20,000 for one day of violation of the Reid Vapor pressure limit. And, Phillips 66 agreed to pay $17,000 for the reporting violation of the PM.
Phillips 66 agreed to pay $115,000.00 to the California Air Pollution Control Fund and to undertake the Supplemental Environmental Project FRESNO TREES making payments of $35,000 to Tree Fresno and $40,000 to Sonoma Technology Inc.
Phillips 66, Company is now in compliance of Tittle 13, CCR, Sections 2250-2273.5