Strategy Snapshots
CARB has developed a set of “strategy snapshots” to support community-scale strategy development. The list is based on some of the most common strategies community members, air districts, and the public have raised as potential solutions to community air quality challenges. The snapshots provide general information and resources to help identify in what situations a particular strategy may be appropriate and include links to examples.
Some of the links below lead to non-CARB resources, but provide information that may be helpful to individuals interested in air pollution emission reduction and mitigation strategies. This table offers up example strategies that will be updated regularly, and should not be considered a comprehensive list. CARB cannot attest to the accuracy of these sites, and linking to a non-CARB site does not constitute an endorsement by CARB or any of its staff.
Strategy | Goal | Examples |
Zero- and near-zero emission technologies and infrastructure | Directly reduce emissions from vehicles and equipment by switching to technologies with lower emissions |
Activity changes | Reduce emissions or exposure by improving operational efficiency, changing hours of operation, reducing or eliminating operations, or other mechanisms |
Infill with compatible land use | Reduce emissions from cars by building housing and employment in centralized areas near transit |
Increased clean transportation options | Reduce emissions from cars by providing zero- and near-zero emission transportation options, including clean transit, dedicated bicycle and pedestrian infrastructure, and clean car share, ride share, or bike and scooter share programs. |
Setbacks and buffer zones | Create physical distance between emissions sources and sensitive land uses |
Strategic siting to reduce exposure | Locate facilities, roadways, and sensitive land uses in ways that minimize exposure |
Alternative truck routing | Divert truck traffic away from local streets and sensitive land uses like schools or daycare centers |
Vegetative and solid barriers | Reduce the spreading of air pollution into the community |
Urban greening | Plant trees and other vegetation to absorb air pollution and reduce exposure in the community |
Air filtration | Improve indoor air quality by filtering out air pollution |
Notification systems | Reduce exposure to air pollution by providing real-time information to community members on outdoor air quality |
Geo-fencing | Reduce emissions in certain locations by establishing geographic boundaries that automatically switch applicable mobile source operations to zero emissions |