Alternative Compliance Options
The California Reformulated Gasoline and CARB Diesel regulations offer alternative compliance options for companies to meet the motor vehicle fuels standards. These compliance options allow refiners and importers of CaRFG3 and California diesel fuel flexibility in production methods. Alternative options include: predictive model limits, designated alternative limits, and certified diesel fuel formulations. Certain reporting requirements must be met, including providing CARB with data regarding the specific alternative compliance limits. A system of reporting has been developed by CARB that allows producers, importers, and small refiners to submit this information.
Electronic Reporting
When a company elects to use an alternative compliance option, it must notify CARB and provide information regarding its alternative compliance limits. Specific electronic forms are available for producers, importers, and small refiners to email information regarding Predictive Model, CARBOB Model, and Diesel Fuel Compliance Options. These forms can be found at Enforcement Program Forms. A Users' Guide for CaRFG Electronic Reporting, which describes the reporting process in greater detail, is available for Producers and for Importers.
Monitoring of Compliance Data
The monitoring and evaluation of alternative compliance data is a crucial part of CARB's enforcement of the motor fuel regulations. When producers and importers of California gasoline submit their notifications to CARB, Enforcement Division staff reviews the notifications for timeliness, accuracy, emissions calculations, and formulation characteristics. Enforcement staff also conduct inspections to verify that the notifications are accurate and that the companies' motor fuel complies with the alternative compliance limits and other applicable motor fuel regulations and protocols.
Self-Reporting of Violations
If a company finds that it has reported in error or discovers that its fuel is in violation of a fuels standard, the company may self-report the violation before it is discovered by CARB in order to reduce the risk of incurring costly penalties. This practice of disclosure and increased communication has resulted in a working dialogue between CARB and fuels producers, importers, and retailers.