The People's Blueprint
CARB staff is currently working through a public process to revise and update the Community Air Protection Program's guidance document, known as the Community Air Protection Blueprint (Program Blueprint).
Since 2018, when the Board approved the Program Blueprint, community steering committees (CSCs) around the State have been gaining experience from implementing the Community Air Protection Program. This experience has informed recommended changes to the Program Blueprint that would better empower community members, improve governance of CSCs, and apply a racial equity lens to the work of achieving emissions and exposure reductions in disproportionately impacted communities.
While AB 617 requires CARB to update the Program Blueprint at least once every five years, CARB plans to update the Program Blueprint earlier. In September 2020, the Consultation Group developed a list of Blueprint update topics informed by engagement with a range of stakeholders that began in early 2020. A working group of the Consultation Group began a revision of the current Program Blueprint taking the list of topics and environmental justice (EJ) concepts into account. Within the working group, a few community and EJ leaders, known as the Writer’s Group stepped forward to draft a People’s Blueprint for Community Air Protection (People’s Blueprint). The Writer’s Group draft, now completed, is the starting point for review, discussion, and comment by the full Consultation Group, Air Districts, and the public on updates to the Blueprint.
The Writer’s Group Draft Assembly Bill 617 People’s Blueprint
Proyecto de Ley 617 de la Asamblea Plan Popular
The statements and conclusions in the People’s Blueprint for Community Air Protection are those of the Writer’s Group as documented by the contractor Harder+Company Community Research and not necessarily those of the California Air Resources Board. The mention of views or commitments of or by the California Air Resources Board is not to be construed as actual or implied endorsement by the California Air Resources Board.
Bay Area AQMD People's Blueprint Comment Letter
NOTE: CARB plans to bring to its Board in 2023 an updated Program Blueprint that reflects the experience and lessons learned of the first years of program implementation. The People’s Blueprint and process moving forward will be one of several discussion topics during future meetings of the Consultation Group.