Carl Moyer Program: Drayage Trucks at Seaports and Railyards
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The Carl Moyer Program provides grant funding for cleaner-than-required engines and equipment including drayage trucks. Drayage trucks are on-road, diesel-fueled, heavy-duty trucks (as defined in California Code of Regulations, title 13, section 2027(c)(15)) that transport containers and bulk to and from the ports and intermodal railyards as well as to many other locations.
Vehicles subject to the Statewide Drayage Truck Regulation, may be eligible for Moyer Program Funding for up to one year before the applicable compliance deadline. Since January 1, 2014, drayage trucks have been required to be equipped with 2007 model year or newer engines. Therefore, engines older than model year 2007 are not eligible for Carl Moyer Program funding. Replacement engines certified to the 2010 emissions standards or cleaner are eligible. By January, 1, 2023, all trucks subject to the Drayage Truck Regulation will be required to have a 2010 or newer model year engine.
Cleaner technologies are currently being demonstrated and may become available in the near future to enable opportunities for more funding.