O'Reilly Auto Parts Settlement
Settlement Date
August 2010
Enforcement Division Web Administrator
O'Reilly Auto Parts Case Settles for $125,000
In August 2010, the ARB reached a settlement with O’Reilly Auto Parts for $125,000 for selling and offering for sale aftermarket catalytic converters without an ARB Executive Order.
An investigation by the ARB showed that O’Reilly sold catalytic converters that were no longer legal for sale in California due to new ARB aftermarket catalyst regulations that became effective January 1, 2009. As part of an industry wide investigation, the ARB documented the sales of these illegal catalytic converters by O’Reilly stores throughout California. To settle the case, O’Reilly agreed to pay the $125,000 penalty and to comply with the Aftermarket Catalytic Converter Regulation and other ARB programs.