News Email UpdatesKeep up to date with the latest press releases and media advisories.Subscribe FeaturedNewsNov 16, 2023CARB approves incentive funding plan that invests in equitable transition to zero-emission futureNewsOct 26, 2023CARB approves first 5-year strategy update for its equity-driven Community Air Protection Program NewsOct 23, 2023California meets its target for zero-emissions truck sales two years ahead of schedule Fulltext search Airborne ToxicsAir Pollution(-)Air Quality MonitoringAir Quality PlansClimate Change(-)Construction & Earthmoving Equipment(-)Environmental JusticeIncentives(-)Indoor Air Quality & ExposureSmokeTruck & BusZero-Emission TransportationAB 32 Climate Change Scoping PlanAir Quality Improvement Program Guidelines(-)California Climate Investments(-)California State Implementation PlansClean Mobility Options Voucher Pilot Program(-)In-Use Off-Road Diesel-Fueled Fleets RegulationSustainable Communities & Climate Protection Program20242023202220212020(-)201920182017(-)2007 3 results found for Apr 15, 2019New statewide project improves access to clean alternative transportation modes in state’s most vulnerable communitiesJan 24, 2019Clean-air plan for San Joaquin Valley first to meet all federal standards for fine particle pollution Jul 26, 2007ARB adopts landmark rule to reduce toxic emissions from off-road equipmentContact Office of Communications
NewsNov 16, 2023CARB approves incentive funding plan that invests in equitable transition to zero-emission future
NewsOct 26, 2023CARB approves first 5-year strategy update for its equity-driven Community Air Protection Program
NewsOct 23, 2023California meets its target for zero-emissions truck sales two years ahead of schedule
Apr 15, 2019New statewide project improves access to clean alternative transportation modes in state’s most vulnerable communities
Jan 24, 2019Clean-air plan for San Joaquin Valley first to meet all federal standards for fine particle pollution