EPA Exec to Speak at San Diego Symposium
For immediate release
SACRAMENTO -- California Environmental Protection Agency Secretary James Strock and Air Resources Board Chairman, John Dunlap will speak at the 18th Annual Enforcement Symposium Cross - Media Training on Monday, May 20, 1996 in San Diego beginning at 1:00 p.m. at the Catamaran Resort Hotel, 3999 Mission Boulevard.
Sponsored by Cal/EPA's Compliance Division, the Symposium is a four-day event highlighting cross-media (air, water, solid waste, toxics and pesticides) enforcement methods and will be attended by over 250 environmental professionals from throughout the U.S. and Mexico in the industrial, legal and regulatory fields.
Photo Opportunities: ARB's unique mobile enforcement laboratory that spot-tests gas and diesel fuel, Toyota's electric RAV 4 sport utility vehicle, and a trade show featuring state-of-the-art environmental enforcement control and monitoring equipment.
Cross-Media enforcement is the single most important issue in the future of environmental protection. The latest California enforcement methods will be addressed throughout the Symposium by top officials from the ARB, Cal/EPA and Cal/EPA's Department of Toxic Substance Control, Integrated Waste Management Board, Water Resource Control Board, Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment, and Department of Pesticide Regulation as well as U.S. EPA's National Environmental Investigation Center and the U.S. Attorney's Office.