100 Electric Vehicles to be Showcased at ZEVe
Media Advisory
100 Electric Vehicles to be Showcased at ZEVent
Join the California Air Resources Board, Department of General Services and
EV Sacramento for California's largest display of zero-emission vehicle technology at ZEVent:
Thursday, August 17
9 a.m. - 1 p.m.
Miller Park
2710 Ramp Way
ARB motor vehicle rules require major auto manufacturers to offer 10 percent zero and near-zero emission vehicles beginning in 2003. The ARB will hold a public meeting to review the regulation on September 7 and 8 in Sacramento.
ZEVent is a demonstration of current electric vehicle technology, most of which is a result of the ARB's regulation.
- Electric vehicle road rally through Sacramento
- Manufacturer and technology exhibits
- AC Propulsion's T-Zero high performance electric sports car
- Peterbuilt's hybrid electric-CNG big rig
- Electric vehicles available to drive
- Secretary Winston Hickox of California Environmental Protection Agency
- Chairman Dr. Alan Lloyd of the California Air Resources Board
- Director Barry Keene of the Department of General Services
- Undersecretary Clothilde (Cloe) Hewlett of the State and Consumer Services Agency
DIRECTIONS TO MILLER PARK: The park entrance is at the corner of Broadway and Front Street, Sacramento. ZEVent will be held in the cul-de-sac area of the park.