MSC Mediterranean Shipping Company S.A. Case Settlement
MSC Mediterranean Shipping Company S.A. Case Settles for $630,625
MSC Mediterranean Shipping Company S.A. (MSC), Geneva, Switzerland, paid $630,625.00 in penalties to the California Air Resources Board (CARB), for violating the Ocean-Going Vessel At-Berth regulation. The violations were discovered during a routine audit of the 2014 Port of Oakland and Port of Los Angeles/Port of Long Beach (LA/LB) fleet visits. The settlement was reached in October 2018. The investigation by CARB showed violations for both the Oakland and LA/LB fleets for failing to reduce their auxiliary engine power generation by at least 50 percent and not meeting the operational time limits for auxiliary engine run time as set forth in the regulation. MSC cooperated with the investigation and took prompt action, converted its California fleet to include 100% shore power equipped new build vessels, and has been operating in a compliant fashion in the subsequent years. To settle this case, MSC agreed to the $630,625.00 penalty for violations and agreed to comply with ARB regulations.