Mediterranean Shipping Company SA Case Settlement
Mediterranean Shipping Company SA Case Settles for $350,000
Mediterranean Shipping Company SA paid $350,000.00 in penalties to the California Air Resources Board, for violating air quality regulations. This settlement was reached on March 3, 2018. An investigation by the ARB showed that four Mediterranean Shipping Company SA vessels, one vessel twice, failed to comply with CCR, title 13, section 2299.2 and CCR, title 17, section 93118.2 of the OGV Fuel Regulation. Mediterranean Shipping Company SA had one vessel that operated under strict liability for three days ($10,000 per day); three vessels operated negligently for a total of eight days ($25,000 per day); and one vessel operated under failure to correct for three days ($40,000 per day), for a total of $350,000USD. Mediterranean Shipping Company SA took prompt action to correct the issues with ARB once notified of the violations and under ARB’s supervision began operating in a compliant fashion. To settle the case Mediterranean Shipping Company SA agreed to the $350,000.00 penalty, corrected the issue, devised a thorough compliance plan, and will comply with ARB regulations.