A. M. Leonard, Inc. Settlement
A. M. Leonard, Inc. Settles for SORE Violations for $12,000
Based on information from a whistle blower, Mobile Source Enforcement Section (MSES) learned that A. M. Leonard, Inc., a horticultural supplies company from Piqua, Ohio, sold non-California certified outdoor power equipment via their catalog and web site at www.amleo.com to consumers in California. In response to a cease and desist order, Leonard submitted their California sales records from which MSES identified 164 non-compliant string and hedge trimmers, leaf blowers and chainsaws. Leonard has added "NOT FOR SALE IN CALIFORNIA" notification to the non-compliant products on their web site and catalog. In addition, Leonard has revised their blocking system for orders from California for non-compliant products. Leonard settled for $12,000.00.