Lowe's Settlement
Lowe's Settles for SORE Violations for $41,600
In April 2001, Mobile Source Enforcement Section staff documented string trimmers, leaf blowers and chain saws equipped with non-California certified, small off-road engines (SOREs) at Lowe's Companies Inc. (Lowe's) retail stores in California. Upon notice from the ARB, Lowe's reported the immediate and planned implementation of measures to prevent future sales of non-compliant products in California. In addition, Lowe's reported the recall from California stores of all non-compliant and potentially non-compliant products, and Lowe's reported the number of possible non-compliant product received in California. However, the exact number of non-compliant product sold in California could not be determined, nor was it possible to recall non-compliant units from consumers in California. The ARB and Lowe's reached a settlement agreement in the amount of $41,600.00.