LCTI: Stockton Mobility Collective
Sustainable Transportation Equity Project (STEP) Implementation Grant
San Joaquin Council of Governments | Stockton Mobility Collective
June 2021 – March 2025
Project Details
The Stockton Mobility Collective will help meet the transportation needs of the community by implementing an 1) e-carsharing project with 30 battery-electric vehicles in 10-15 locations throughout the project area; 2) e-bikeshare project with 100 bikes at about 12 stations that will improve first- and last-mile access to transit; 3) expansion of the Vamos Mobility, a Mobility-as-a-Service or MaaS, platform to add mobile transit ticketing, e-carsharing and e-bikesharing reservations and payments, and Uber; and 4) transit and shared mobility incentives through the Vamos Mobility app to qualifying community members. It also includes community engagement activities to increase disadvantaged community member participation in the design and implementation of the projects, as well as a workforce development apprenticeship program to provide full-time jobs and training to support the e-carsharing and e-bikeshare projects.

Project Highlights
- As part of the Miocar e-carsharing service, 23 out of 30 electric vehicles have been procured and 13 are available for use as of October 2023 by more than 100 carshare members.
- Through a partnership with the Housing Authority of the County of San Joaquin, two workforce training cohorts have begun coursework on EV Charging Installation and Maintenance and Customer Service.
- Transit and shared mobility incentives have been distributed to 350 residents of the STEP Community.
Lessons Learned
- Upfront coordination with utilities and local governments is critical for identifying permitting requirements and necessary utility upgrades when siting charging infrastructure.
- Engagement with the disabled community should be included for planning and developing user-facing software.
- Engagement fatigue can be reduced by coordinating with community-based organizations and leveraging existing local events.
Funding Details
Grant Amount: $7,480,385
Resource Contributions: $18,742,000
Project Total: $26,222,385
By the Numbers
Services, Vehicles & Equipment Funded
- 30 battery-electric vehicles for carshare program with 10-15 locations
- At least 20 vehicle charging stations
- 100 electric pedal-assist bikes for e-bikeshare program with about 12 stations and 7 e-bike charging units
- Electric shared mobility apprenticeship program for 10-20 candidates
- At least 15 Stockton Mobility Collective Steering Committee meetings
- At least 20 Community Engagement Working Team meetings
Estimated Quantifiable Benefits
- GHG emission reductions: 1,879 MTCO2e
- NOx reductions: 650 lbs
- PM2.5 reductions: 129 lbs
- ROG reductions: 131 lbs
- Passenger VMT reductions: 688,270 miles
- Travel cost savings: $2,666,583
- Fossil fuel-based transportation fuel use reductions: 155,808 gallons
- Direct jobs: 40
- Indirect jobs: 14
- Induced jobs: 21
Community Details
The project’s primary focus area is in South Stockton, which has a high concentration of poverty and people of color compared to the rest of the city and county. It also has a larger percentage of limited English-speaking households. 22% of South Stockton residents are either over the age of 75 or under ten years old. These community members may disproportionately face mobility challenges navigating English-only transit schedules or affording a personal vehicle. The percent of zero-vehicle households in South Stockton is 50% higher than the citywide percentage and very few residents walk or bike. In Stockton, fewer than 20% of households can access a job within a 30-minute transit commute.
The City of Stockton, SJCOG, and other entities conducted eight community engagement planning studies to understand unmet travel needs. Study results reveal that in South Stockton, key challenges are access to key destinations, vehicle pollution, and access to transit.
Demographics of the Community Served by the Project
44% Hispanic/Latino, 21% Asian, 19% White, 12% Black or African American, and 4% Other
Median Household Income: $54,912
Community Benefits
The Stockton Mobility Collective project will provide Stockton residents with affordable, clean, safe and reliable travel modes that bridge the gaps between existing transit service and personal vehicle ownership. Currently, the South Stockton community lacks affordable transportation options. The e-carsharing and e-bikesharing projects will provide new, affordable options that connect residents to transit and key destinations. The Vamos MaaS platform will enable residents to optimally plan for and access low-cost transit and shared mobility. The project will also provide green jobs in the South Stockton community through the workforce training program, increasing access to employment and reducing poverty. The community will inform critical project design components and help direct outreach and education. They will also assist in identifying hard-to-reach populations and professionals who can help transport-disadvantaged populations that want to use the services.
Outreach & Engagement Strategies
- Educational events at project kick-off
- Surveys
- Community workshops/webinars
- Pop-up events
- Marketing flyers
- Interviews
- Focus groups
- Listening sessions
- Social media and newsletters
- Educational videos
Target Populations
- Households with limited access to a private vehicle
- Transit-dependent individuals
- People experiencing poverty
- Communities of color
- Residents with lower levels of education
- Community members with limited English proficiency
Partnership Structure
The San Joaquin Council of Governments (SJCOG) is a joint powers authority comprised of the County of San Joaquin and the Cities of Stockton, Lodi, Manteca, Tracy, Ripon, Escalon, and Lathrop. SJCOG fosters intergovernmental coordination within San Joaquin County, with neighboring jurisdictions and with other regional, state, and federal agencies. SJCOG is responsible for overall management, project implementation, coordination and alignment of the Stockton Mobility Collective Project.
- Sigala Inc.
- Mobility Development Partners
- Miocar – The San Joaquin Valley's Carshare
- San Joaquin Regional Transit District
- Institute for Local Government
- UC Davis Institute for Transportation Studies
Community Partners
- Catholic Charities Diocese of Stockton
- Public Health Advocates
- Housing Authority of the County of San Joaquin
- San Joaquin Regional Rail Commission
- San Joaquin Joint Powers Authority
- Mobility Development Foundation
- University of the Pacific
- City of Stockton Public Works Department
- Fresno Metro Black Chamber Foundation
- African American Chamber of Commerce of San Joaquin
- Amelia Ann Adams Whole Life Center
- Community Center for the Blind and Visually Impaired
- Community Partnerships for Families of San Joaquin
- Environmental Justice Coalition for Water
- Friends of Yosemite Village
Christine Corrales | (209) 235-0128 | SJCOG