LCTI: Solano Sustainable Transportation Equity Project (Sol STEP)
Sustainable Transportation Equity Project (STEP)
Planning and Capacity Building Grant
Solano Transportation Authority | Solano Sustainable Transportation Equity Project (Sol STEP)
June 2021 – November 2023
Project Details
The SolSTEP Project will leverage STA’s Countywide Equity Working Group and existing citizen-based committees along with the development of a student career pathway program with Solano Community College and Club Stride to systemically embed transportation equity into the fabric of Solano County. This will be accomplished by organizing a SolSTEP leadership team who will engage community and youth partners on a series of meetings and listening sessions focused on building upon the Community-based Transportation Plan within the city of Vallejo. The SolSTEP team will consider the needs of different groups of residents and youth within Vallejo and general concerns about safety, reliability, and environmental sustainability when planning the community outreach and engagement activities and pilot projects/programs. Resident feedback will be synthesized into a comprehensive report used to inform future project priorities.
Funding Details
Grant Amount: $299,997
Resource Contributions: $68,962
Total Project: $368,959
By the Numbers
Planned Community Engagement Activities
- At least 3 equity advisory workgroup meetings
- 1 community meeting
- 1 Transportation Career Pathway Program
- Internship program for approximately 8 interns
- At least 10 stakeholder interviews
- 1 revised Community-based Transportation Plan
- 1 Community celebration event
Estimated Quantifiable Benefits
- Direct Jobs: 2
- Indirect Jobs: 1
- Induced Jobs: 1
Community Details
The City of Vallejo has been dealing with several economic, structural and equity challenges that continue to slow the city's progress today. Vallejo has one of the highest crime rates in California and has been in the news recently due to a pattern of police brutality directed toward African American and Latino men. The median income level among adults 25-64 is $34,000 with a 40% unemployment rate. From a transportation perspective, during 2012-2017 there were 4,250 collisions causing a combined 170 severe and fatal injuries, the highest in Solano County. And despite having a viable transit system with good connectivity, only 8% of residents walk, bike, or ride transit. As Vallejo approaches this socio-political crossroads, the SolSTEP team will work together to create community-centric strategies led by residents and youth that will help to address Vallejo's current issues and that promote active transportation, clean air, and sustainability.
Demographics of Community Served by Project
28% Hispanic/Latino, 25% Asian, 23% White, 19% Black or African American, and 5% Other
Median Household Income: $74,021
Community Benefits
STA will work in partnership with the Subgrantees, with oversight from STA’s Countywide Equity Working Group, to form a Governing Board, i.e., the SolSTEP team, that involves youth and adult community residents in Vallejo. The SolSTEP team will engage in a collaborative process that identifies, proposes, and prioritizes strategies and projects to address the transportation needs of residents throughout the City of Vallejo. This SolSTEP process will serve as a countywide model for engagement that will prioritize equity among Solano County cities while supporting career opportunities for youth in the transportation field.
Outreach & Engagement Strategies
- Leveraging existing social networks
- Connecting with key stakeholders early in the process
- Smaller information sessions
- Office hours with community leaders
- Web-based activities and materials
- Outreach activities at location where residents receive services
Target Populations
- Low-income
- Communities of color
- Residents with lower levels of education
- Non-English speakers
- Residents with disabilities
- Youth and students
- Older adults
- Residents with limited technology access
- Residents with full-working schedules
Partnership Structure
The Solano Transportation Authority (STA) was created in 1990 through a Joint Powers Agreement between the cities of Benicia, Dixon, Fairfield, Rio Vista, Suisun City, Vacaville, Vallejo and the County of Solano to serve as the Congestion Management Agency for Solano. The STA oversees countywide transportation planning, programming transportation funds, managing and providing transportation programs and services, delivering transportation projects, and setting transportation priorities. STA is responsible for overall management, project implementation, coordination and alignment of the Solano STEP Project.
Community Partners
- SolTrans
- First 5 Solano
- Solano Resource Conservation District
- Solano Public Health
- Assembly Member Tim Grayson
- State Senator Bill Dodd