LCTI: Rush Street Corridor Enhancement Plan
Sustainable Transportation Equity Project (STEP)
Planning and Capacity Building Grant
City of South El Monte | Rush Street Corridor Enhancement Plan
June 2021 – August 2024
Project Details
The project will conceptualize Rush Street as a rejuvenated multi-modal corridor that engages surrounding neighborhoods to participate in active transportation modes of travel. Rush Street is a major east-west arterial road running through the heart of the City of South El Monte (City), providing connections to schools, businesses, and other important destinations. The resulting plan will help the City create a safe multi-modal corridor that will connect residents and businesses throughout the City.
This planning effort will examine traffic calming strategies, including but not limited to: protected bike lanes, dedicated rapid transit lanes, smart bus stops, and ADA improvements. These improvements are necessary to increase pedestrian safety, augment the City’s existing bicycle network, and help improve public transit quality along Rush Street, all of which align with existing State and regional goals of reducing single-occupant motor vehicle trips and improving safety for all roadway users.

Funding Details
Grant Amount: $205,108
Resources Contribution: $7,904
Project Total: $213,012
By the Numbers
Planned Community Engagement Activities
- 15,000 Phone calls and/or text messages
- 5 Multilingual mailers
- 5 Stakeholder interviews
- 12 Community pop-up events
- 2 Door-to-door canvassing events
- 3 Community engagement workshops
- 2 Council meetings
- 1 Corridor Enhancement Plan
Estimated Quantifiable Benefits
- Direct Jobs: 1
- Induced Jobs: 1
Community Details
The population of the City of South El Monte is 20,878 residents of which 82% are Latinx. The area is designated as an SB 535 disadvantaged community, with a median household income of $42,460, or 67% of the statewide average. Within the community, there are 112 households without access to a car, and according to the Census Bureau American Community Survey 5-year estimate, 74.4% of South El Monte residents drive alone to work - a rate far higher than the 3.9% who use public transit, the 4.37% who walk, and less than 1% who bicycle.
Rush Street was identified in the San Gabriel Valley Regional Bicycle Master Plan (Phase I - 2012-2014) as part of a bike network for all the city streets. The City identified Rush Street for improvements because it is one of the only major east-west corridors for the City, and an industrial and commercial corridor that provides a connection to the Rio Hondo River Path (regional river and parkway).
Community Benefits
This project will create a Rush Street Corridor Enhancement Plan that envisions an increase in multimodal transportation, particularly bus and active transportation options (walking and cycling), promotes safety and comfort for all users by identifying potential biking and walking improvements and key areas to expand the urban forest to mitigate heat impacts, and spurs transit-oriented development and housing development along the corridor while incorporating anti-displacement and affordability policies. When complete, this planning effort will support a South El Monte that is more sustainable, climate ready, and resilient, and will prepare for a Rush Street Corridor that meets community residents’ transportation needs.
Demographics of Community Served by Project:
80% Hispanic/Latino, 16% Asian, 2% White, 1% Black or African American, and 1% Other
Median Household Income: $65,584
Outreach & Engagement Strategies
- Project website
- Canvassing
- Phone banking
- Surveys
- Translated materials in Spanish, Vietnamese, and Tagalog
- Pop up events
- Community engagement workshops and meetings
- Marketing flyers
- Interviews
- Social media and newsletters
Target Populations
- People living in poverty
- Communities of color
- Residents with lower levels of education
- Non-English speakers
- Youth
- Older adults
- People with disabilities
- Housebound residents
- Small business owners
Partnership Structure
The City of South El Monte is the local government overseeing the Rush Street Corridor Enhancement Plan effort. The City will lead many project components, but will also support Active SGV on their engagement work, and coordinate with the project team.
Community Partners
- San Gabriel Valley Council of Governments
- Chamber of Commerce
- Mayor of South El Monte
- Epiphany Church
- Valle Lindo School District
- Congresswoman 38th District Linda Sanchez
- Majority Leader Ian Calderon
- 3L Club
- Club Latino