LCTI: Rebound the MLKcommUNITY: A Transportation Equity Roadmap
Sustainable Transportation Equity Project (STEP)
Planning and Capacity Building Grant
Circle of Life Development Foundation/MLKCommUNITY Initiative | Rebound the MLKcommUNITY: A Transportation Equity Roadmap
June 2021 – March 2024
Project Details
The Rebound the MLKcommUNITY project will equip community members with the knowledge and tools necessary to identify neighborhood-scale clean transportation needs and opportunities; educate the community about clean transportation options, such as bus ridership, electric vehicle car share programs and active transportation; and ultimately empower residents to develop a roadmap and implementation strategy centered on mobility equity. This project is an essential building block in catalyzing lasting community capacity to shape and inform decisions that affect their lives.
Funding Details
Grant Amount: $200,000
Resource Contributions: $127,133
Project Total: $327,133
By the Numbers
Planned Community Engagement Activities
- 12 Community Steering Committee Meetings
- 1 Transportation Day Event (neighborhood demonstration projects and mapping session)
- 6 Community forums and listening sessions
Estimated Quantifiable Benefits
- Direct Jobs: 1
- Induced Jobs: 1
Community Details
The Rebound the MLKcommUNITY project focuses on three census tracts in a 1.7 square mile neighborhood of southeast Bakersfield. The MLKcommUNITY is primarily Latinx (79%) and Black (10%), with many non-English speakers and undocumented residents. The community falls in the top 5% of disadvantaged communities according to CalEnviroScreen 3.0, and is categorized as low-income with a median household income of approximately $34,000 per year with 45% of the population living below the poverty line.
Through initial engagement efforts, community members identified the challenges they face in safely and reliably traveling to key destinations and critical, basic services. Many residents have little to no access to jobs, fresh foods, community services or medical care; and inadequate transportation options, including limited access to convenient and reliable transit. The neighborhood also lacks infrastructure for safe biking and walking with a low walkability score.
Demographics of Community Served by Project
78% Hispanic/Latino, 11% White, 8% Black or African American, and 2% Asian
Median Household Income: $34,000
Community Benefits
The Rebound the MLKcommUNITY project will deliver an inclusive, community-centered planning process that can maximize the benefits of California’s air quality and climate efforts while empowering those with limited clean transportation access. This community-centered planning process will improve community understanding of clean transportation options and deliver a strategic roadmap guiding future investment and planning in the MLKcommUNITY. By the end of this project, community members will have the education, tools, and knowledge needed to take the next steps necessary to bring this roadmap to life through new partnerships, funding applications, and pilot programs inspired by the work of the Planning Grant.
Outreach & Engagement Strategies
- Project website
- Surveys
- Community forums
- Listening sessions
- Community Steering Committee meetings
- Trusted volunteers
- Promotoras
- Spanish-language radio
- Social media
- Neighborhood events & activities
- Clean transportation demonstrations
Target Populations
- Older Adults
- People with disabilities
- Low-income workers
- Non-English speakers
- Women
Partnership Structure
Circle of Life Foundation's (COLDf) mission is to build strong communities through affordable homes, community engagement, education, and economic opportunities to collaboratively close the economic gap. As the project grantee, COLDf will oversee project implementation, lead the Steering Committee (consisting of seven-members among project partners and the community members at large to guide project decision-making), and work closely with subgrantees and community partner to develop a community transportation plan.
Community Partners
- MioCar (San Joaquin Valley's Community Carshare Program)
- Caught Up The Intervention Game
- ShePower Leadership Academy
- Community Action Partnership of Kern (CAPK)
Dr. Arleana Waller | (661) 532-8417 | COLDf